Matching Savings

As a response to the elimination of several first time homebuyer grants for residents in the Philadelphia area, PhillySEEDS created the Homeownership Closing Cost Assistance program to help residents purchase their first home. This program offers a dollar-to-dollar match of residents’ savings to be applied toward their home’s closing costs. The maximum match amount is $2,000. The program requirements are:

  1. Be a PHA resident or HCV program participant
  2. Provide verification of $2,000 in savings (via bank statement)
  3. Provide a Housing Counseling certificate
  4. Provide a written request for the down payment assistance
  5. Provide a Settlement Notice

Please send an email to info@phillyseeds. org if you are interested in this program.

Woman and man holding book

Helping Create New Homeowners

The Homeownership Closing Cost Matching Grant will continue to support PHA residents’ dreams of home ownership. When residents gain financial wealth and independence through real estate ownership and have the ability to pass that wealth down to their family members, we strengthen our entire community.

Increased residential investment activity can rapidly transform neighborhoods and spur economic growth in communities. Knowing this, PHA through various partnerships, grants, and savings programs, assists potential homeowners with opportunities to improve credit scores, housing counseling, and in obtaining mortgage products for future home purchases.
