Nearly $2.9 Million in Scholarships Awarded to the PHA Community

2 Women Holding Award

PhillySEEDS, Inc. has always prioritized the importance of educational opportunities and advancement. As the first initiative of PhillySEEDS, the PhillySEEDS Scholarship Program—now known as the Nellie Reynolds Scholarship—was established as a cornerstone of success for PHA residents and program participants. It supports their goals of continuing education beyond high school or earning a GED. Over time, the program has grown, with award amounts increasing to $3,000, $4,000, and $5,000 to ease the financial burden of pursuing higher education.

In 2024, PhillySEEDS, Inc. launched the Post-Secondary Education Assistance Program, now known as the Estelle Richman Scholarship, to extend support to PHA residents and program participants with GPAs below 2.5 or those with a GED equivalent. This program provides $1,500 annually and is also awarded on a rolling basis, annually. Recognizing that evaluative tools such as GPAs or GED scores shouldn’t be barriers to receiving assistance, this initiative ensures that more residents can access the financial resources needed to achieve their educational goals.

We are excited to announce that in 2025, our outreach continues to expand! We have introduced a third scholarship program: the Rev. Bonnie Camarda Scholarship. This scholarship offers up to $1,500 to PHA residents and program participants who are attending college, university, or trade school part-time, or completing a continuing education program. PhillySEEDS understands that while education is vital to personal growth, full-time programs aren’t always feasible. This scholarship helps those who fit the criteria to continue their educational journey.

Strengthened by the Nellie Reynolds Endowment Fund, which ensures sustainable funding, each scholarship program remains central to the mission of PhillySEEDS. Scholarships are awarded on a rolling basis, and applications are reviewed by a diverse panel that includes PhillySEEDS board members, PHA residents, resident leaders, staff, and partners. The primary goal is to provide support to PHA residents, helping them advance their education, increase self-sufficiency, and become role models within their families and communities.

As with all our core programs, every dollar raised by PhillySEEDS, Inc. goes directly to funding these opportunities. If our mission resonates with you and you would like to help us increase the number of awards and recipients we serve, please click below to donate!