PhillySEEDS, the non-profit affiliate of the Philadelphia Housing Authority (“PHA”), is gearing up our upcoming event, the “Who Knew? To-Do!” on Thursday, June 13, 2019, at 6 p.m., at PHA’s brand new headquarters at 2013 Ridge Avenue, in the Sharswood neighborhood.
Please share in our convivial and entertaining evening of food and drink, fun and surprises. We will be highlighting the accomplishments and leadership of PHA and PhillySEEDS in working with the community to revitalize and transform this neighborhood to be one of choice for PHA residents and all who live here and we will explore the ways in which PhillySEEDS continues to seek and provide life-changing opportunities for PHA residents in ways that PHA cannot.
You can purchase your ticket through Eventbrite or even reserve an entire table which holds 8 guests at the event and have the ability to be a Table sponsor! If you would like to reserve a table, please email for additional information.