2 women holding award

Our Mission

Self Sufficiency – Education Empowerment – Direct Services

PhillySEEDS provides opportunities for self-sufficiency, education, and empowerment to residents living in public and assisted housing through programs, philanthropic fund raising, community-based partnerships and special initiatives.

Click here to learn more about the programs we offer

Nellie Reynolds Scholarship Endowment Fund

Thanks to the generous support of our contributors, in 2021, PhillySEEDS successfully established the Nellie Reynolds Scholarship Endowment Fund! This fund has consistently provided a reliable stream of financial support for our PhillySEEDS Scholarship Program, empowering scholars within the PHA community to achieve their academic goals and seize life-changing opportunities.

The Matthew Bauerlein North Star Fund

Matthew Bauerlein worked for sixteen years for the City of Philadelphia Department of Policy and Planning. Deeply attuned to the challenges facing Philadelphia, including the need for affordable housing, Matthew dedicated his career to addressing these critical issues.

The Matthew Bauerlein North Star Fund was generously established in his name to assist PhillySEEDS in expanding the number of individuals it can serve through the HCV Security Deposit Matching Grant.

This fund continues Matthew’s legacy by addressing the urgent need for assistance with affordable security deposit grants for HCV program participants. It is a fitting tribute to Matthew’s life and values, ensuring that his commitment to improving the lives of others endures.

Click below to donate and help us make a difference in the lives of those seeking stable housing.

Donate to The Matthew Bauerlein North Star Fund